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Empowering healthy choices with Queal.

Trusted complete meals since 2014.
6 million sustainable meals sold.
Known ingredients, open recipe.

Making smart food choices more accessible.

Queal is dedicated to helping you live sustainably, make informed food decisions, and access nutritious, easy meals every day.

Sustainable Foods

We prioritize the planet with our sustainable food choices. Our meals are vegetarian or vegan, crafted from widely available ingredients, with over 95% sourced from Europe to minimize our carbon footprint. We’re committed to zero waste, ensuring that every part of our process respects the environment.

Open Recipe

We believe in transparency and sharing our knowledge. Queal recipes are open to everyone, free from proprietary secrets. Our decade of experience is poured into crafting the perfect quick meals, making it easy for you to understand and trust what you eat.

Quick + Meal = Queal

Queal stands for quick meals that make healthy eating effortless. Our products are designed to minimize prep time, allowing you to enjoy nutritious food in seconds. It’s about making sure good food options are always within your reach, anytime, anywhere.

Fighting against the S.A.D. diet with quick meals.

Born from a clear vision to combat unhealthy eating habits, particularly those driven by the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.), Onno and Floris, the founders of Queal, were driven by the frustration of not finding quick, yet genuinely healthy meal options.

In the summer of 2014, our extensive research led to a groundbreaking realization: a complete, nutritious shake was not just a possibility but a necessity. Inspired by pioneers like Rob Rhinehart and his Soylent community in the USA, we saw an opportunity to introduce and adapt this innovative concept for the European market, where such products were unavailable and the community still nascent.

With a robust start-up spirit, Queal was officially formed in August 2014. The initial months were intense as we perfected the recipe, engaged with early adopters, and laid the groundwork for a sustainable business. Production began modestly in a small, Dutch FDA-compliant facility, complete with lab suits. Still, as demand grew, operations expanded to a larger partner with IFS, BRC, and ISO9001:2008 certifications to maintain pace with our growing customer base.

From the outset, our commitment has been unwavering towards exceptional service and product quality. We’ve consistently managed supply to avoid backlogs and ensure prompt responses to customer inquiries—often within a day. Over the years, Queal has evolved from version 1.0 to 5.0, each iteration better than the last, thanks to customer feedback and nutrition science innovations.

Looking ahead, we are committed to growing and leading the development of the complete meals market in Europe. We take pride in our top-rated customer service and product quality. In the coming years, we will continue our fight against bad food choices and promote healthier, more sustainable eating habits across Europe and beyond.